Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Photo Fun!

With today's economy being what it is, people are coming up with alternative ways to have fun with friends.  I have been going the traditional rout of having friends over for dinner as opposed to going out.  Not too long ago I had a few friends over for dinner and it turned into an evening of photo fun. :-)  In the early photo classes of college, one learns how to drag the shutter.  I'll explain how to do this.  Try it at home! (children under 13 ask your parents first)  If you have a manual camera (meaning manual adjustments, not focus) place it on a tripod in an extremely dark area.  Adjust the shutter speed to "bulb".  Someone needs to stand by the camera to hold the shutter button down.  Once the shutter button is held down, use flashlights or (in this case) sparklers to make whatever pattern your heart desires. :-)  Have fun!

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